Thursday, January 30, 2014


This tutorial covers installation on Windows XP Pro SP3 Fully updated as of Aug 17, 2009 and may vary slightly for Win7 and VISTA or older/nonupdated XP versions 

(August 17, 2009) Current version V18.5

1. First find out if your computer can run this game.

Note:  For CS:S the closest is Half-Life 2

2. Download.

Note to Viewers I do NOT host and will NOT host files for this. 

I did NOT post them to the download sites.

You need to download the full game and ALL THE UPDATES

Counter-Strike Source FULL [October 15 2007] DiGiTALZonE V18.1 NFO
TorrentUSENET NZB search   ~2-2.4GB

Hotfile ~25mb

Setti MasterServers MasterServers.vdf

2b. Optional Downloads

Optional language files for CS:S
english (defualt) only needed if you want to change back to english after switching
For each Language you want RIGHT click and SAVE AS/SAVE LINK AS 

Half-Life 2 ADDON [Oct-15-07] DiGiTALZONE NFO
Gives you ability of playing Half-Life 2 Single Player.

3. Install Notes

Counter-Strike Source FULL [October 15 2007] DiGiTALZonE V18.1 NFO
You should get three files
You should get one file
Setti MasterServers MasterServers.vdf
You should get one file

Start installation with the CSS_FULL_Oct-15-07_DiGiTALZonE_1START.exe file. Click on that file to begin installation.  Below are the screens you will see.
HELP.txt gives you the basics. You might just need to read that file and you will know what to do.

When you click next from the first screen you can see that a Installation directory will be set automatically.  You can change this installation directory at this time. See below that i have made a custom folder for my installation.
C:\Program Files\NOSTEAMVALVe\Counter-Strike Source\
This is just a directory of my choosing you can direct the install anywhere you wish.

The next screen I left the default settings in place. This is the location/folder names that appear on your start menu

Now click Install and wait for it to finish....waiting....
Now the on the next screen un-check Run CSS FULL... then click finish.

Now you are ready to install CSS_FULL_Oct-15-07_DiGiTALZonE_2FINISH.exeClick on this file. The screens you see are very similar. Click Next at the first screen now the Installation directory will be detected automatically whether you left it default or made a custom one. Just quickly look at the directory to make sure it matches. For me it is
C:\Program Files\NoSTEAMVALVe\Counter-Strike Source as it was above
Your custom directory will vary. Now that you verified the directory is correct click Next then click Install. Now more waiting... Once it has finished again un-check Run CSS FULL... then click finish.

Now lets install the V18.5 update
click on your CSS_FULL_Update_Patch_1_(18.5_FINAL).exe. Click Next then again make a note of the install directory and that it is correct for you. ClickNext and then Start then a short wait and click Next and Exit

The game is installed now but not ready to play online yet. If you open it now and try to play online you will get this.

You will also hear what i think is annoying startup music that continues to play until you leave the main menu screen or the song runs out.
First to fix the server list problem you will need MasterServers.vdf that you downloaded earlier. You will be replacing the default file with this modified file you have downloaded to get the Setti Server list. You need to put this file in the directory shown in the picture below(...\Counter-Strike Source\platform\config). You will copy over the original file.

 No need for a backup because it doesnt work for you anyway. The important part is making the file read only. Once you have the file in place follow the below image to make the file read only.
Start by Right clicking on MasterServers.vdf.

3b. Optional Install Notes

Half-Life 2 ADDON [Oct-15-07] DiGiTALZONE NFO

Once you have the two parts from the download section above for the Half-Life 2 ADDON [Oct-15-07] DiGiTALZONE you need to both parts of the .rar file in the same folder on your computer. Having them both on the desktop works fine. WinRAR is recommended to unpack the .rar archive. If you don't have it pick it up from below
WinRAR x86 (32 bit) 3.80 ~1200kb For 32bit windows
WinRAR x64 (64 bit) 3.90 beta 5 ~1500kb FOr 64bit windows
Now you need to extract one of the files as the two parts are from one file and WinRAR puts it back together.
There is one file named HL2_ADDON_Oct-15-07_DiGiTALZonE.exe that you now have after extracting.  Click on the file to begin installation of the addon. Select your language at the first dialog box and click OK. Click Next. Your install directory should be auto detected like before so just click Next then Install. Now wait for the installer to work its magic. At the final screen that appears I un-check run now and click Finish

That all you can now play Half-Life 2 in single player mode.

Language files
To install a different language you need the language file from the above download section. I just downloaded the english.reg one to my desktop because that is what I will be using.

If the icon looks like above it is correct and you just click on it. Then click Yes and OK.

If the icon looks like below the file got saved with the wrong extension. This is sometimes done automatically by the browser you are using to save the file. If you can see the extension (.reg.txt) like in the picture below just change the extension to .reg and the icon should change to one like the above picture.

If the extension can not be seen and the file name just appears as "english" or the language you downloaded you need to set file extensions to visible then change the extension. To do this go to "My Computer" and follow the picture below.

Recap of picture: go to "My Computer" menu bar Tools>Folder Options... then the View tab. Find the option that says "Hide extensions for known file types" un-check this option and click OK.

Now you can change the file extension to .reg . Just follow the above instructions. After you have it changed you can go back to folder options and hide file extensions again by re-checking the "Hide" option and clicking OK.

You are now ready to play the game. Congratulations!

This installation has created two icons on your desktop. Possible three if you installed the Half-Life 2 addon but the same below information applies.

You can use these or delete them. Counter-Strike Source opens the game for you to play and Source Dedicated Server is for hosting a server. For information on Source Dedicated Server go here.

If you chose to delete the desktop icons you can access these two options from your start menu.

You have finished all you need to play if you want more info. continue

5. Stop or change the startup music

If you would like to simply remove the startup music from this installation go to
C:\your install directory...\Counter-Strike Source\cstrike\sound\UI
There will be a file named gamestartup.mp3 in that directory. If you want no startup music at all just delete the file. 

If you want to add your own favorite song to the game startup you have two options.
1. delete the original gamestartup.mp3 place your new song into
C:\your install directory...\Counter-Strike Source\cstrike\sound\UI
now name your new song gamestartup.mp3 (note I have extensions enabled so you might only need to name the song gamestartup .)

2. Backup the original file by changing the name to something like 
gamestartuporig.mp3 then put your file in the directory with it and name your new song gamestartup.mp3

6. Change user settings via config/userconfig file

this is a little more advanced so the tutorial for this is going to be a bit more basic

This installation is a little unique because it has all the files to run both a client or a dedicated server. I will point out the files we will be editing.

If you don't have a config.cfg make a copy of config_default.cfg and rename it config.cfg.
If you didn't have config.cfg before load the game once so that the default game settings are saved to the file then close the game. Warning making a new config.cfg sets everything back to default and you will loose setting that you might have aready made so backup those settings

Please change your name in config.cfg or under options while ingame before joining a server. 

There are a lot of options that you can add to your config file so that it is loaded everytime. 

 I recommend you use WordPad to view each file and for editing. There is a problem with the way these files are setup in my opinion. It has to due with how they are loaded and saved to by the game. I recommend that you stop using the file userconfig.cfg because when you change a setting while in game it is not changed/saved in this file.  Your new setting is saved to config.cfg. Now the problem, userconfig.cfg is loaded after config.cfg and copies over your setting in config.cfg. So everytime you change a setting while in game that is defined on userconfig.cfg it will not be what you set it to next time you start the game.

To disable this userconfig.cfg open up the file that tells it to load which is  autoexec.cfg (auto execute).
There is a line that says exec userconfig.cfg . If you delete this line the file userconfig.cfg is no longer loaded at startup. If you like the way userconfig.cfg works look further down for more info.

Now to transfer the setting from the old userconfig.cfg to config.cfg

This is a copy and paste of the default config.cfg after loading the game once:

Open up userconfig.cfg and copy all of it.
Now open up config.cfg and at the bottom. I place them just above the name line but thats just me.

It will look something like above. Inside the green box are all the setting I just copied from userconfig.cfg. I check the file for duplicates of the same command and found that all the ones with arrows next to then are defined earlier in the file. cl_updaterate and cl_cmdrate are visible duplicates as shown. So search your file at this point for duplicates of the settings you just pasted in and delete the duplicates.

The most important settings for you to look at\change\add are
I recommend setting these to
rate 30000
cl_cmdrate 101
cl_updaterate 101
cl_interpolate 1
The top three settings make the max rate of your connection to a server match what most servers allow. cl_interpolate is really up to you. Try switching cl_interpolate from 1 to 0 sometime and your game appears to lag or have notch like movement. Interpolate set at 1 makes the game appear smooth but where you see people might not really be where they are because of this smoothing. When interpolate is set to 0 what you see is where you see it but movement looks lag like depending on the server you are in and some servers force your setting to one or the other and disregard your setting but thats not common.

Using the userconfig.cfg type settings

The reason that this can be handy is if you want to be able to change settings in game sometimes but want them to revert back to your base settings each time you restart the game.
HERE is a popular userconfig.cfg <-Casey's CAL config. is a good starting point because it has comments

To use these setting copy them all from the page linked above and paste them into an empty userconfig.cfg file.
To load these settings while ingame press ~ (its next to 1 and under Esc on your keyboard) into the command window that opens type exec userconfig.cfg this will load the settings in userconfig.cfg. If you want to change back while ingame type 
exec config.cfg. With this type of use config.cfg is loaded at game startup and you can manually load different settings if you want them. You can have several settings files to test and can name them what you want ei XXXX.cfg and to load it ingame 
type exec XXXX.cfg in the console 

If you use Casey's config sprays will be disabled. To enable sprays put // before these settings.
putting those two slashes before the setting makes it into a comments and the game will not load that line after the slashes.

mp_decals "0" // How many player sprays will be shown.
r_decals "0" // Disables decals.
r_decal_cullsize "9999" // Any decals under this size are not rendered.

That should be enough to get you started with changing your settings. Good luck!!

7. Custom background on startup screen

This is an example of a wallpaper I used as a background for my CS:S.

First find the image you want to use for your new CS:S background.
Second you need a program to make .vtf files because that is what CS:S uses for its background image.

Get VTFEdit installed
Now open up VTFEdit then follow the pictures below

File>Import  now browse to your image and select it and click open. Now an options page appears I use the default options. here is a picture for refernence. Just click OK.

 It will take a few seconds before it imports into the VTFEdit window. 
Now select File>Save and give it the name background01 and save

Now its ready to go in place of the original background image.
Browse to the location of the original files
C:\...yourinstalldirectory...\Counter-Strike Source\cstrike\materials\console

Lets backup the original background01.vtf file by renaming it to background.orig.vtf like below next to the green arrow and then place your new background.vtf in the folder indicated by the red arrow

Thats it! When you open up CS:S now the background should be that custom one you just made.

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