You need to choose one to open the server with and stick with that one because we are going to tweak the shortcut. You can make the tweaks to both shortcuts if you want to keep both and be able to use both of them. But lets just click on one of the shortcuts and open it up. This will be the GUI method and is good enough for some.
Make a good RCON Password and Start Server.
The server is started but the ip address looks bad. Lets fix it. Close the server buy hitting the X in the upper right corner and then Stop Server.
Go to the shortcut of your choice and right click on it then select Properties. In the new dialog box go to the shortcut tab and the Target: line is what you will change. The current line reads "C:\Program Files\NOSTEAMVALVe\Counter-Strike Source\srcds.exe" -game cstrike -tickrate 66
You can see a couple startup parameters are in place already. Here is a full list of parameters.
Source Dedicated Server
Command-line arguments for the Source Dedicated Server executable (srcds.exe, srcds_run)
Command-line parameters
* -allowdebug - (Same as -debug ?)
* -autoupdate - The server is searching for updates on startup (Linux/Unix only).
* -console - SrcDS will run in console mode (Windows only).
* -dev - Show developer messages.
* -debug - Debug Mode.
* -game <game> - Specifies which game/mod to run.
* -insecure - Will start the server without Valve Anti-Cheat technology.
* -nobots - Disable bots.
* -nohltv - Disables SourceTV and closes its port (usually 27020).
* -norestart - Won't attempt to restart failed servers.
* -ip - Specifies the IP when multiple network cards are installed. Look one to set the ip
* -port - The port the server advertises to clients.
* -maxplayers <number> - Specifies how many player slots the server can contain.
* -timeout <number> Sleep for <number> seconds before restarting a failed server.
* -tickrate <number> - Specifies Server-Tickrate (for more info see Source Multiplayer Networking).
* -verify_all - Will check that each file in the install matches the latest Steam version.
Console variables
* +<console variable> <arg> - Sets the Cvar (or console variable) to the specified setting.
Some useful console variables
* +hostname "Server Name" - Specifies the name of the server.
* +ip - Specifies the IP when multiple network cards are installed (Old, but still works).
* +map <map> - Specifies which map to start.
* +maxplayers <number> - Specifies how many player slots the server can contain (Old, but still works).
* +hostport <port> - Specifies the host port (Port specification before -port was added, but can still be used).
* +clientport <port> - Specifies the client port (The port the server advertises to clients, the same as -port and clientport in console)
* +sv_lan <0/1> - If set to 1, server is only available in Local Area Network (LAN).
In my case the local ip is most likely yours will be different. Now that you have the ip you can define that parameter in your Source Dedicated Server shortcut. Now edit the Target: line of the shortcut to "C:\Program Files\NOSTEAMVALVe\Counter-Strike Source\srcds.exe" -game cstrike -tickrate 66 -ip <- use your local ip not mine. It should look like below.
In the above screen you can double click on any of the Variables list and edit them. note that my RCON Password is /fail on being good.
You can pick more parameters from the above list and add them to your target line but the GUI has some of the same option that can conflict parameters you added to the target line. So choose wisely.
That should get you started on your way if you want to use the simple GUI. Its quick and painless.
Thanks, that was a really cool read! singapore servers