Thursday, January 30, 2014

[OLD INFO FOR REF.]Install CS:S NoSTEAM Dedicated Server

There are a few methods to this. The first is following my [HowTo] Install CS:S NoSTEAM Client guide and once you get to step 4 you have both a NoSTEAM Dedicated server installed and the CS:S Client game. This server can be run as is but a few more tweaks are recommended.

If you do not want to use that method you can install just the Dedicated Server by itself. I recommend this. It keeps your files separated but is going to take up more hard drive space if you plan on having a server and a client on the same computer.

Okay lets make a standalone CS:S NoSTEAM Dedicated Server.

- Install it somewhere, commonly C:\SRCDS

Once installed go to C:\SRCDS and make a shortcut of HldsUpdateTool.exe.

Right click on your shortcut and for to Properties. On the Shortcut tab edit the target line to 
"C:\SRCDS\HldsUpdateTool.exe" -command update -game "Counter-Strike Source" -dir .
Make sure to have the period at the end. It tells HLDS to download CS:S  to the current directory C:\SRCDS
Click OK. Now you are ready to download download the game files. Just double click your tweaked shortcut and wait... a long time.

You can see that the files started downloading into the C:\SRCDS folder. Just wait for it to finish. Note the 0.58% in the cmd box is the percent completed.

I am going to skip you ahead to a method of starting your server with crash protection. That is if your server crashed it restarts automatically.

Right click in the install directory and go to New>Text Documnet.

Rename the new text file to the above warning should appear to let you know that the extension is being changed. Click Yes.  
If the warning did not appear you need to enables extensions in folder options then change the name. This is detailed in here.

Now edit the .bat file you just made. Paste in the following code made by Black-Sky and Drocona.
I commented out the fpsbooster section because it is not used in this guide.

::=======================:: :: SRCDS Guardian :: :: Black-Sky :: :: Drocona :: ::=======================:: ::This will make the window clear, remove all paths etc, just to keep the important stuff @echo off ::Give a name to the window, nothing really important. title SRCDS.Guardian ::Clear the window cls ::Report to console what we are doing echo ****To close this script, close the SRCDS window and type "Y"**** echo. echo. echo Watching the SRCDS for crashes >> Guardian.log echo. >> Guardian.log echo (%date%)(%time%) Started up SRCDS Guardian. ::If you are using the FPSbooster use this to start it up ::echo. ::echo (%date%)(%time%) Starting FPSbooster. ::>> Guardian.log echo (%date%)(%time%) Starting FPSbooster. ::start F:\SRCDS\srcdsfpsboost.exe ::echo (%date%)(%time%) FPSbooster online. ::>> Guardian.log echo (%date%)(%time%) FPSbooster online ::Insert a return point if it crashes :srcds echo (%date%)(%time%) SRCDS online. >> Guardian.log echo (%date%)(%time%) SRCDS online. ::Start the actual server start /wait C:\SRCDS\srcds.exe -console -game cstrike -tickrate 100 +fps_max 600 +maxplayers 10 +map de_dust -ip -port 1337 -verify_all echo (%date%)(%time%) Server crashed or closed, restarting... >> Guardian.log echo (%date%)(%time%) Server crashed or closed, restarting... ::Server crashed or closed, so we point it to the return point to start the server again goto srcds

Just paste the red code into the Notepad box that opened when you clicked edit. The important line that you can change to your desired setting is
start /wait C:\SRCDS\srcds.exe -console -game cstrike -tickrate 100 +fps_max 600 +maxplayers 10 +map de_dust -ip -port 1337 -verify_all
I put all the parameters in orange. The above parameters are ones that i chose. Make sure to use the following parameters at a minimum for the
best results.

-console -game cstrike -tickrate ## +maxplayers ## +map YOUR_MAP -ip PUT.YOUR.IP -port 27015 -verify_all
Replace the # symbols with the numbers you choose and pick the map you want to load first then place your local ip address there.
If you do not want to use the console mode and want to use the GUI mode go here

Now here is a full list of parameters for you to choose from.
Source Dedicated Server Command-line arguments for the Source Dedicated Server executable (srcds.exe, srcds_run) Command-line parameters * -allowdebug - (Same as -debug ?) * -autoupdate - The server is searching for updates on startup (Linux/Unix only). * -console - SrcDS will run in console mode (Windows only). use this to be in the console version. omit it and you will load the GUI * -dev - Show developer messages. * -debug - Debug Mode. * -game <game> - Specifies which game/mod to run. * -insecure - Will start the server without Valve Anti-Cheat technology. * -nobots - Disable bots. * -nohltv - Disables SourceTV and closes its port (usually 27020). * -norestart - Won't attempt to restart failed servers. * -ip - Specifies the IP when multiple network cards are installed. * -port - The port the server advertises to clients. * -maxplayers <number> - Specifies how many player slots the server can contain. * -timeout <number> Sleep for <number> seconds before restarting a failed server. * -tickrate <number> - Specifies Server-Tickrate (for more info see Source Multiplayer Networking). set @ 33, 66 or 100 * -verify_all - Will check that each file in the install matches the latest Steam version. Console variables * +<console variable> <arg> - Sets the Cvar (or console variable) to the specified setting. Some useful console variables * +hostname "Server Name" - Specifies the name of the server. * +ip - Specifies the IP when multiple network cards are installed (Old, but still works). * +map <map> - Specifies which map to start. * +maxplayers <number> - Specifies how many player slots the server can contain (Old, but still works). * +hostport <port> - Specifies the host port (Port specification before -port was added, but can still be used). * +clientport <port> - Specifies the client port (The port the server advertises to clients, the same as -port and clientport in console) * +sv_lan <0/1> - If set to 1, server is only available in Local Area Network (LAN).

You might not want to set everything with this cmd line. There is a server.cfg file that you can use to control many but not all server setting. 
Some parameters must be given in the command line. -game -tickrate are two examples that can only be changed by a command line parameter

note on tickrate
-tickrate <number> Changing this will result in different quality-- use 33, 66 or 100. If you put in a higher number (up to 100, which is the maximum)
the server will use much more resources (memory, bandwidth and CPU) and when ran at 100, the resource requirement will be triple. that of a 33
tickrate server.

You can move this .bat file anywhere you want to put it. I like to put it on my desktop or make a shortcut of it in my start menu so I do
not have to browse to it each time I want to start the server.

The server is now ready to be run as a STEAM server. So lets make it NoSTEAM now

Download REV-emu to make the server NoSTEAM. See Release notes on REV-emu here
rev-emu_9.79.rar  mirror1mirror2mirror3 <-Download one

Extract the contents of rev-emu_9.79.rar with WinRAR. If you don't have it pick it up from below

WinRAR x86 (32 bit) 3.80 ~1200kb For 32bit windows
WinRAR x64 (64 bit) 3.90 beta 5 ~1500kb FOr 64bit windows

Put all the file from rev-emu_9.79.rar into C:\SRCDS

Now go into the bin folder C:\SRCDS\bin\ and change the name of the steamclient.dll to steamclient.orig.dll
Next move your rev-emu steamclient.dll from C:\SRCDS\ to C:\SRCDS\bin\

Now to edit the rev.ini file. What we are doing now is setting the server to get real STEAM IDs from users that have real STEAM and making it 
possible for the server to get listed on the official STEAM server list.

Above the rev.ini file from C:\SRCDS is opened to the right and C:\SRCDS\bin is open to the left. This is the location of the real STEAM steam.dll
file. In rev.ini find the setting for this. It is:

# Change SteamDll to point to your official Steam client DLL. # This setting is required for Steam UserID Validation functions # to support legit Steam IDs. Otherwise, all clients would get # IDs generated from their IP addresses. # Also make sure you uncomment the line below (remove "#") # if you want to use this setting! # Note that this setting only applies to games using SteamGameServer # up to version 003. (e.g. CS: Source, Team Fortess 2, Garry's Mod) # # Default = (n/a) # SteamDll=C:\SRCDS\bin\Steam.dll

Read the commented section so you know what you are about to do. Originally the bottom line has a # make sure to remove it put the directory as
shown above or if you have your files in a different directory fill that in. Okay now the server will get official STEAM IDs from real STEAM users.

Now get the server on the STEAM server list. Sip this if you do not want your server on the STEAM server list.

This is just editing another line like before in the rev.ini file. Fill in the directory of the original steamclient.dll which was earlier renamed

# Change ClientDLL to point to the original steamclient.dll # This setting will enable VAC for your server and your server will be listed # on Valve master server! Also, Steam clients will have their regular Steam IDs # Please use the steamclient.dll from Steam folder! # # Default = (n/a) # ClientDLL=C:\SRCDS\bin\steamclient.orig.dll

Now save the rev.ini and close it. 
The server is ready to run NoSTEAM from the file made earlier.
Double-click on and it should load these.

The two Error: lines are normal, ignore them. What is more important is the green line. This one shows 512.7fps. Is yours stuck at 64fps? Probably.
Close the server and lets fix it. To close click the X on the Source Dedicated Server box then accept the the error box by clicking End Now
once that has close you need to type y into the SRCDS.Guardian box then hit Enter on your keyboard. 
Now its turned off. You might think all thats a pain but thats the point of having crash protection, the server wants to restart.

If your are stuck at 64fps a process dubbed Pingboosting needs to be put in place there are various methods. I will show my favorite for more
options google pingboosting. This is a very small service that will run on your system all the time. It enables your server to run faster fps.

Download this file made by trepje from the forums. Here is the original post.

Open up the file with WinRAR and install by clicking on the Install.bat. After it is install you can delete the or keep it as there is a 
Unistall.bat included if you ever want to uninstall this.

Now start your CS:S server again and the fps should be higher. Remember there are command line parameters for fps_max so set that to
either 300 or 600 if you set it to the next high

Go to C:\SRCDS\cstrike\cfg create a new text file like before but this time name it server.cfg

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing an nice informative about the installation of the nostream dedicated server with us...
