There are a lot of post on the net about issues with getting Borderlands to work properly for multiplayer LAN games. I am going to make a little compilation of the fixes that I have found all in one place. It will at least help me next time I'm playing Borderlands on a fresh OS install/new network.
If you are playing on a LAN no port forwarding is required but you should be in the same IP range. So check the IP addresses of the computers you are trying to get to play together first. If the host has an IP like this 192.168.1.xxx all the clients should have an IP with the same format 192.168.1.xxx the xxx is a number your router assigns. I have multiple switches and routers on my network so this is one of the first places I looked.
If you are going to play over the net with friends make sure you all fully update the game/ all the people you are trying to connect together have the same version of the game. port forwarding was supposed to be patched. That is not a guarantee. You might need to forward ports still. I do know for a fact that if have the a different version can cause no hosts to be found and no error is given. It is possible to get an error that will tell you if this is the problem or not, that is by using the direct connect method. instructions for that are here http://borderlands.wikia.com/wiki/PC_Connection_Issues
- Problem from vista x64 user
My friend and I wanted to play borderlands on LAN and I wanted to host the game because I am further behind than he is, the only problem is it won't let me host. He will find the game but he can't join, we tried having him host the game and it worked fine, any suggestions?
Solution:OK I'm going by memory here, as I run Win7, but it should be something like this. Go to control panel, and look for the networking area (network and sharing center or something like this). Click on that, then, look for a link or menu that says 'change adapter settings' or 'manage network adapters' or something along those lines. Click it, and you should see an icon, one for each network adapter you have. Right click on any you want to disable, and click disable. Be advised you'll lose internet if you disable whatever you're using to connect to the internet. To turn them back on, just right click the adapter and hit enable. Let me know if this is not specific enough and I'll try and describe it better.
The reasoning behind this approach is that many games, when run on a system with multiple network adapters, improperly default to trying to join/host lan games using the non-LAN network adapter.
Source: http://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/showthread.php?t=80649
Comment:This is one way to go about the issue but you disabling all but the network adapter that you are using for the game. If you are using more than one of your network adapters this isn't a solution for you
- Problem from win7 user but options to change this setting can be found in XP as well
Can not see LAN games on network.
Solution:Go to Control panel. Under "Network and internet" click the "view network status and tasks" now on the left side panel under "Control Panel Home" click "Change adapter settings". You should see Hamachi in this folder. press alt to bring up file menu and under "advanced" click "advanced settings". there u go ... now select hamachi and use the arrow on the right to bring it to the top of the list.
Comment: Hamachi is the connection they are changing in this case but I have read where just changing the right (one being use for borderlands) network device to the top of the list. Source is just a place I found it while making this post. Their are multiple forums I have found this in.
Update: has instructions for XP and win7 and its non hamanchi/tunngle/gameranger
http://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/showthread.php?t=81527 - Special pfsense rule. If you do not know what pfsense is you do not need to worry about this one
[solved] Borderlands, multiplayer, and pfSense
PFSense users, you need to add an outbound rule.
go Firewall > NAT > Outbound (tab)
choose "Manual Outbound NAT rule generation" and add a rule
check "Static-port" and hit ok.
might cause issues for multiple gamers on the same network, but in the case of steam (or at least OTHER steam games?), my friend who found this says you can tell steam to use diff ports, client side.
(this is in addition to standard port forwarding rules)
thanks to my friend who prefers anonymity after lots of (nat) firewall log viewing, wireshark use, etc a fair bit above my head
Source:http://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/showthread.php?t=107990 - Port forward guide/help
http://myshockwave.net/news/multiplayer/borderlands-online-multiplayer-problems-fix-guide-pc-version/#.Tr7Di0PqPMg - Whole list of things to try.
I suggest trying the direct connect method. If you can get the direct connect method to work then you know its a network discovery setting not right on one of the PCs. You can either keep digging into the issue and try to getting it working the normal way or just use direct connect. - Make sure you have the firewall exception for Borderlands in your firewall.
- Another port forward solution for non LAN
Playing co-op online
1. Play co-op online without forwarding ports: Use GameRanger
2. Co-op from directly within the game:
Open these ports
7777 (TCP/UDP)
28900 (TCP)
27900 (UDP)
28910 (TCP)
6500 (TCP... NOT UDP)
9989 (UDP)
1) Create private game
2) Invite friend, let him time out completely
3) Exit private lobby (to main menu), remake, invite, play!
1) Create public game
2) Wait for someone to join (don't know if necessary)
3) Exit, create private lobby, invite, play!
Comment: This one has a really good section on editing you player ini file to skip videos and change some player/audio/video settings.
A side note about the game is installation. win7 user have reported a lot of different errors during installation. You simply fail to install and can't really do anything about it and when you find a fix for one error a different one comes up the next time. If you are trying to use Borderlands.Proper-Razor1911 just stop because it has several issues being installed on win7. Either buy the game or use a different release and apply updates.
If you know of more fixes let me know.